Four Corners and my addiction to research

My third novel is released today!

It’s a bit of craziness involving conspiracies woven through time, secret libraries of lost information hidden in what appear to be derelict buildings in the desert, psychedelic 70s western films, the Wild Bunch, the ancestral Puebloans, and so much geology.

Prog Rock

When I was growing up it always seemed like I could only like one type of music. Maybe that’s a folly of youth, maybe it’s a sort of binary brainwashing that takes education to overcome: just because something’s good doesn’t mean the other thing is bad.

Like many who start a blog, this isn’t my first rodeo. I livejournaled back in the day before it became hacker no man’s land, I have a Goodreads blog, but it occurred to me that not everyone has a Goodreads account, I have seen attack cruisers off the shores of Orion… or perhaps that last one is someone else’s memory. Damned implants, it’s so hard to tell which are my memories.